Our culture today is in dire need of churches just like Antioch, who would raise up, set apart and send out, Spirit called disciple makers. Out of this need The A13 Experience was birthed. A13's goal is to clarifying calling along with providing framework and environments to catalyze a kingdom movement.
The A13 Experience was created as a hands on apprenticeship. We facilitate learning through a combination of experiential and conceptual learning. It is laid out in four distinct Labs stretching over 2 years, roughly 7 weeks each lab. Each lab is made up of three aspects that work together; cohort, coaching and context.
The purpose of The A13 Experience cohort is to create a bi-monthly opportunity for disciple makers and cohort leaders to meet for reflection and learning. Together they will process through various aspects of personal discipleship, areas of theology, and practical areas of leadership and disciple making. These conversations will have a heavy slant toward processing the ministry and relational experiences and that each are actively involved in.
The cohort is NOT a “come and hear” sort of meeting. It will not be a lecture or presentation. It will be focused conversation born out of the weekly assignments and discipleship conversations each has been in during the previous two weeks.
Simply reading and learning about aspects of ministry does not fully prepare you for actual disciple making. You must know how to put theology into practice in real-world settings. This skill is only truly learned through experience. The problem is that no one begins ministry with experience. Hands on ministry in A13 helps fill the gaps between theoretical and actual disciple making. We will help clarify and develop the apprentices calling as they are intentionally involved in hands on ministry experiences.
In A13 the purpose of the coach is to come alongside to help, just as Barnabas came alongside Paul, and then Paul came alongside Timothy and others. By encouraging, asking questions and challenging, the coach helps clarify what God’s calling is for their life and ministry. In this role they empower each apprentice to listen to the Spirit and move forward with the mission they sense God calling them toward. The coach essentially listens to the Spirit and helps each individual take action.
open to be bi-vocational in the apprenticeship and possibly beyond
have an initial sense of calling towards leading out in disciple making
have a desire to work alongside others to see leaders and churches multiplied
teachable and open to cohort, coaching, and working in a ministry context
If the following statements sound like you, click on the apply button below or email to ask